Monday 5 March 2012

Can Najib deliver his promises?

When come to garlanding VIPs and hero worshipping, nobody can beat the Indians especially the MIC leaders. They can be very innovative and grandeur in bestowing praises and apple polishing. The huge flower garland sized for 2 persons, the prime minister and his wife at one go, speaks volumes of Batu Cave temple chairman Datuk Nadarajah’s ability to apple polish and showering praises. Of course the garland must be purchased from donations and revenue of Batu Caves temple. I wonder whether the prime minister took home the huge garland. Otherwise what a waste it would be. But one wonder why do the temple committee shower such praises lavishly for the president of the party that segregated and made a section of Indians hardcore poor. The PM’s party has breed corruption, racism and nepotism that have spread to all nooks and corner of civil service. The Indians are direct victims and are facing the brunt of these evils scourges. PM Datuk Najib may request for “nambikai” trust on him but he befriends the very people who betrayed the ‘nambikai’ of Indian community. How to have ‘nambikai’ on the prime minister protects the very person who robbed the MAIKA holdings. Mr. PM the Indians are also watching and matching your deeds with words.

That’s not the end. A huge cardboard portrait of Datuk Seri Najib was displayed on the opposite side of the grand stand from which any VIP to Batu Caves would make speeches. So in this year’s Thaipusam, PM Najib was larger than lord Murugan both in person and in portrait. Since Datuk Najib took office in 2009, what policy change was made to make the Indians equal citizens in Malaysia? Government policies have made Indians 3rd class 4th class citizens and that they only deserve hampers and cash handouts. Batu Caves is an important tourist center and contributes to our tourism industry. Batu Caves have made Malaysia well known worldwide. Announcing 2 million for the cultural center is small compared to what Batu caves contributes to tourism industry.

PM Datuk Najib thinks allocating money for Tamil schools are great favour to Indians. Tamil Schools come under ministry of Education. It is government’s duty to provide and not announce as though they are doing a great favour. The recent collapse of the Tamil school roof in Serdang is an indication how they have deprived funds for Tamil schools all these years. The government doesn’t have a blue print to develop Tamil schools. Before 2008 they starved Tamils of funds and support with the hope that these schools will die naturally. Fortunately Indians played a crucial role in depriving the 2/3 majority and BN losing 5 states in the last general elections. Only after 2008 Datuk Najib started visiting Batu Caves and not anytime before. But unfortunately the poor Indians are easily pleased with little goodies or empty promises.   

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